Monday, 29 November 2010

Im thinking warm thoughts

How many weeks till its summer? 

I am not a winter girl. Im cold, tired, achey and grumpy I feel like hibernating. I keep avoiding nights out with friends to hide away under my warm duvet. Im a total granny in winter. Perhaps I need to move to a warmer country

Heres a few pictures from my Florida travels.

I wish I was on a warm beach right now. 


Deco Dolly said...

It was the first day of summer yesterday here in Australia! but today it's all wet, rainy, grey and gross outside... need some sunshine too...
you could always buy one of those seasonal affective disorder light therapy lamps?

sugarpop said...

Ahh :( I always think of Australia as nice and sunny all year round! Miserable weather definitely affects my mood . . . I will have to look into those lights, I went for a sun shower today :/ prob not the healthiest thing to do but I needed some sunlight.