Saturday, 6 November 2010

Im back!

. . . . . . . . dont you just love it when you get tagged on facebook!

I need to be more open and actually blog about my life, hence my rancid face above. Me + sharing my thoughts and feelings dont really mix so bear with me, im trying. 

As some of you may know I closed my shop to go traveling 5 months ago (can you believe its been that long!) It feels like I was flying out only yesterday. I have so much to ramble on about im not quite sure where to start. I have had the most fantastic adventure. In some ways im sad to be back but im also excited about getting crafty and creative again after so long . . . . I know i know, im such a geek!

Ill fill you in on my adventure little by little, im still in the process of sorting through all my photographs. I promise to blog more often though, Honest!



kirsty said...

yeh! you're in blogland...FINALLY!x

sugarpop said...

I know . . . need to keep it up lol! x